Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bye Harry!


To all halloween lovers:



(This contains some imagined narrative, so don't think of it as an eye-witness account)

Joanne Rowling was waiting for the train somewhere in a station in Britain. She was bored. So, in such a case of boredom, her mind wandered freely like a stray dog in an empty street. She imagined a boy with shabby clothes, messy but jet-black hair, glasses, and Bright green eyes. She imagined this boy to be a wizard who DIDN'T know he is a wizard. And she imagined the name of the boy to be "Harry Potter"


I had finished reading the final Harry Potter book. I had found out every thing there was to know about Harry Potter in my Grandfather's room. The beauty of the clarity of the plot striked me.Rowling's a genius I thought.

It all began with the movies. I liked the movies. They were OK but before that I knew nothing about the adventures of Harry Potter and his freinds. To be honest, I didn't know about the books. So, I watched the second movie(by then I knew that the filmakers had stolen the ides of a boy wizard from some books), then the third.

Finally, I got to read the books that I gave me to read during the vacation. The vacation turned out to be boring. I had nothing to except to cuddle into the books which I was really
starting to love. So, what I did was simple: I re-read the books five times in that vacation.

Soon enough the sixth book came out. When I had finished reading it I was in deeply in love with his world. I spent a few hours pondering over one of the main questions in the sixth book. Who the heck is RSB. I found the answer while going through the fifth (the answer is Regulus Black) and I had found that out just a few months before some guys had found out the name of the final book.

I was happy about the fact that there was going to be an end. Afterall didn't all stories have an end?

Yes they do.

Then time for the book had finally come. I found myself excited when I found out the news. But I soon forgot about its existence because of the pressures of student life.

Then one day I found a report on Harry Potter on the local paper. I read and re-read the article several times. Then a week later I got myself the book but I let my juvenile brother read it. He, thankfully, did finish it in two day but (unthankfully) he leaked some of the major facts of the story, ruining my read.


Did I say it ruined my read. Yes? Then I take back my word.

I enjoyed every page of the book.

Yes, It was sad. Yes, characters died one-by-one but I still enjoyed it.

After I finished the book, I had difficulty sleeping. I thought about the (unfortunate) fate of some characters.

Why did they have to die.

I thought about Remus Lupin and Tonks. They were (married) characters in the book. The first guy was a werewolf. Second one, her love was true enough to live with his wolfishness. They get married and have a baby (who is Harry's godson). But they both are killed in the final battle.

I thought their baby. How unfair life was for him.

Then there was Fred Weasley who was also killed in the battle, smiling. I wondered how his family felt. It was unfair for them.

Then there was Serverus Snape and Dumbledore. They both did not deserve to die. They were true human beings. Why did they die? WHY?

The thoughts about Dumbledore and Snape haunted me in my sleep.

But most of all, I thought about Harry Potter. How strange was his life. Every thing in it was planned,awaiting him. It mystified me.

He was a boy whose destiny seemed to be perfectly ready. He had no control over his destiny, but his destiny did have the greatest amount of control over him.

I thought about the last chapter where Harry has a family 19 years later. The whole event seemed to reflect his odd life where everything was ready for him, almost ready-made.

But then I remembered the last two sentences.

"His scar had pained him for 19 years. All was well."

This was how his "ready-made" life ended. Where everything had settled and nothing extraordinary.

Nothing extraordinary?

I take back my words. Everything is extraordinary in his life. They were many great people in his childhood. But their greatness was spent on him.


Because Harry Potter is special. His main purpose is save the world. And he did not save the world like superman. Not from a mad scientist and his destructive invention. But from evil.

Evil and death.

That is what life is all about. Life is a fight against evil. Life is a fight against death.

But the problem is, evil and death cannot be defeated. They can only be delayed by greatness.

Yes, greatness and purity.

This is what young Potter possessed. This is what made special, above all.

But he does not realize it.

This makes even more special as a human being.


The origins will NOT be cited.



The legacy of Harry Potter is clearly felt. The seventh book became the fastest selling book in history. The sixth, fifth and fourth follow the seventh in the list of the fastest selling books in history.

Joanne Rowling (now better known as J K Rowling), the genius who created the boy wizard in a busy train station is now history's richest author.

The story of Harry Potter seems to end happily ever after...


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