Friday, November 30, 2007

The genius of Phillip Pullman


The name of the trilogy was "His dark materials" and it started in 1995. The first volume of the trilogy that would reach the status of a classic was named Northern lights. The Americans thought that the title was dull and unattractive and they chucked the title and renamed it The golden compass which, in my opinion is one classy title (One of my favorites) The golden compass or Northern lights was a immediate success. Two other books followed, the subtle knife and the amber spyglass. His dark materials sold more than fifteen million copies, received intense acclaim by both readers (Critics too, are readers of books, they just are more passionate) and the author, Phillip Pullman, probably ran out of his space in his trophy room. The trilogy was turned into a successful radio and theater versions. In Friday, the movie of the first book (They stuck to the American title) was released. I simply took the free tickets that I won in a contest and watched the movie. But before watching the movie, I found the title (and the promos) so attractive that I got the book and had the time of my life.


His dark materials, is named after a (Very interesting) phrase in Milton's Paradise lost. I thought that the title of the trilogy was very intriguing. The reason was because of the usage of "His". "He" is a word that is often used to refer to god in the English language. I inferred that this must a series about the (supreme) authority of god.

How wrong I was.

This was anything but pro-Christianity. I was surprised that the first sentence was not, "God and his followers have ruined the universe." or "God is terrible...I will tell you a story to tell you his true self." This level of atheism was a surprise. Everybody knows that the church is a very quick tempered figure. Pullman was a very bold man to write a trilogy that challenged our religion and I admire him for that.

One by one he attacks the fundamental principles of Christianity.

First he attacks the church's mission to help our helpless world by creating magisterium. The magisterium is a more crueler version of the catholic church in a parallel universe. The Magisterium (like the Catholic church was once like) is a figure that is tyrannical and nosy in everything that the people in the other world do. Furthermore it is more strict about the idea of heresy and prevents free-thinking and liberty to do what one wants to do.

Second, he attacks the theory that god created the world (THAT IS ABSOLUTELY THE LIMIT!!!)

Third, god is like that grumpy Grandfather of yours (WHAT!!!)

Fourth, Heaven and hell do NOT exist and instead there is bleak world that always reminds you of your worst memories (Let me think)

And so the list goes and goes, each entry making Christian groups more and more mad.

But that is not all.

The intention of His dark materials is not to make you reject Christianity, but to make you think about the dangers of the extreme belief in one's religion. There was some Christian leaders who view it as a work underlining the dangers of dogmatism.

It is not a anti-christian piece of fantasy but a warning, a "Beware" sign. I could not help thinking about (and agreeing) with the genius of Pullman and the points on religion.

After reading them I was totally thinking about how religion was misunderstood and the devastation it brought. 9/11, the caste system and the inquisition are all the products of accepting religion as a master instead of a guide.

Religion is a set of ideas that guide us to do the right thing. That is what I thought after reading His dark materials.The books did not point them out. I did.


To frank with you, I finished reading The amber spyglass just before heading to the theaters. That was one of few endings that actually touched my heart. Only three other books (Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, Life of Pi and The kiterunner) have affected me in such a way. I was sad that the time I spent so little time (three weeks, I read fast) with those wonderful books.

And to add to the fuel, the movie was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It did not follow the book and the changes in the plot were totally unnecessary. I would fallen asleep if the acting of the new child actress wasn't (really) good and the visual effect was (amazingly) good. It is worth watching but I would stick to Lord of the rings and the books. The movie is disappointing and (almost) boring.

-Charlie Green

Sunday, November 25, 2007

What should I write about?


According to Socrates, our conscience are here to help us out. Well he is wrong. Consciences are here to DESRTOY us.


I love writing my blog. I crop up great ideas. Sometimes, the ideas are a bit down-to-earth.

OK,OK,OK! One beautiful Sunday morning that was ruined by thunderous clouds that threatened to pour rain over our heads (Gog curse those clouds), I sat with my computer. I was going to write my blog to pass my time.

"OK, so today's blog will be about a...hippopatammus."

Who in the name of all the hippos in the world would read a post on a hippopatamus?!? That is cuckoo!!! I, your dutiful (only a little bit) and (Mostly) tyranical, dictatorial and bossy concsicence won't let that happen. Not until you get a new conscience!!!

"OK, then not on hippos."

I was desperate. Those disrespecting clouds were still abusing my birth-right to go out and I actually do anything outside?

"Then about how the big, bad clouds ruin the days of mankind and puy them in the ugly furnace of boredom!!! Yeah this is gonna work!!! Yeah I am-"

Then my conscience came back.

Hullo. Why am I stuck with you. CLOUDS!!!!! Did somebody snatch your brain your brain to see if it works.

"Yeah I am NOT gonna write about clouds."

I have a horrible conscience.

Then what are gonna write about!!!

I want to get a new conscience that does NOT bug me and does not give opinions.

If you ain't gonna write 'bout anything! End the blog!!! You're out of ideas!!!!

NO!!! I HAVE to write about something. I can't end this blog. There are little posts and-

Then my conscience bugged in.

Well you can start a new blog. Or just write a novel

No, Fred (Yes, my conscience has a name) the editors are ruthless. They only want novels where one of the characters was fired by George Bush and became mad!!! They only want politics. That is what they want!!!!

But you could hand-publish it.

Nay!!! Too expensive!!! I am no millionare, Fred.

Then rob a bank. Use that ugly halloween costume and rob Bill Gates of all his money. I am one evil conscience.

Fred (I like the idea of a conscience having a name, it is FUN) I can't rob a bank and Bill Gates. Haven't you watched any of the bank heist movies with me. They will butcher us alive.

Nah!!! Conscience don't like movies, we exist only to boss human beings arounds. Someday, we will reach the height of our powers and then we will take over...

Fred!!! How many times have I told you not to act like a evil-genius-conscience-ready-to-rule-the-earth-and-the-universe!!!

OK. I am getting bored. Do something bad. Then I can trouble you. I will leave you to meet my conscience buddies and give them tips to oppress their human-beings. This is going to fun!!!

At least I got rid of Fred.

Now what should I write about?

Maybe I should write about Fred!!!

He is gone. I will make him look more evil. What will Socrates think?!? He's dead, won't care.

So I wrote this post and when I finished this sentence Fred came back

Yawn!!! I told george that it is OK to intersect the brain of your human brain and I told Freddie to ride his like a horse and I told Olga to speak in Russian to her American Human-being in times of need. Did you write anything? I bet you didn't.

I wrote about you, Fred.

Ohh. Did you reveal any of my plans of world-domination?

Good. The WCSS or the World Conscience Secret Society would kill me if they find out.

"Yeah." I said grinning. "Don't worry about your downfall."

I wanted to laugh aloud.


Fred is going to attend a WCSS meeting. Let's find out what will happen to him! Maybe I will get a new conscience that is a sweet grandma type.

-Charlie Green

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Continued from the last post

Pre-blogaventure message

I have started a new blog that I call "Siddartha the wise"
Go and have a look at it on

And happy thanksgiving

The Blogaventure

Now playing: Blue Shiva - Massimo Migliosi
via FoxyTunes

Day three


Yeah, what in god's name do you want?

What is time?

Time flows like a river and passes like a flock of birds

Are you speaking in english?



Ouch. Did you have throw me into the pond-cough-I am not a great swimmer.

Good, now take this.

OK...but what is it.

A dictionary...find time.

I don't know how to use a dictionary.

Humph- I should have known, you bonehead. Give it back to me.


Now...time...time...time...ahh! Here it is! "The sequential relation that events are-

Err...what does that mean?

Well time is a sequence of events.

What are events.

A happening.


That is what is time is. Nothing more and nothing less.Get it?


Now I have to go.

Bye Sid.


Do I have to say this?

-Charlie Green

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The journey through time


The book's name was "The time machine." and it's author was "H.G.Wells" and what it left behind was inspiration.


Note: The following is done as though it were a conversation between a wise man named Siddhartha and a man who is mumbling to himself
Day one

Time, time, time.

It is only one word, T-I-M-E, four letters and and syllable. But what in heaven's name does it mean. Chicken pox? Your mom? Or is it Jesus?

Oh dear! How dumb can you get?

What does it mean? You should know Siddhartha the wise one.

Oh, shut up! And listen for a change.


Now what do you need to everything? What do you desperately need to do everything.



OH! I know! It's that new Sony VAIO laptop I got for my birthday!

No. You can do better than that.

I give up.


That doesn't solve anything.

It does. We need time.

So, time is something that we need desperately.

Good. But that's only one thing.

But what is it? I don't get it?

I'll tell that to you that to you tomorrow.


Day two



What is the spelling of "Apple"?


OUCH! Why'd hit me with your cane.

Because I have never seen anybody so down below the ladder of knowledge.

What's the ladder of knowledge.

Oh, forget it. Now how long has it been since we have been doing this.

Oh I know! Something with 60 seconds! Let me think.''s...


Yeah! Hours! It's been one hour.

No it's not.


But it still has been one minute.

OHHHHHH!!!!!!. Minutes! Not hours!


But what are they? And what are seconds, and hours?

Say thousand.


A second started right when you said "Thousand" and ended when you finished saying it.

What? Really?

It doesn't always have to be a thousand. It could an elephant but a dog.


Now 60 seconds or thousands or elephants make a minute and 60 of them in turn make a year.

OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I get it but what are they for?

To measure time.

Time is a creature?

Kind of.


Ok but tomorrow.

Day three.

-To be continued-

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

We are the world working togheter


A sign kept up on a street somewhere. Of course, the sign was seen by many people.

One guy took that sign, which read "We are the world working togheter" too seriously.

That guy was me.


I read the sign.

It had a picture of what look like a large family reunion. There were people of different ages and different backgrounds.

I read the heading, " We are the world togheter"

"Nice!" I said to myself in agreement.

Then I re-read it.


Why does it read, "We are working togheter."

Something is wrong.

I re-read, "We are the world working togheter."

I read it several times till I was convinced that the sign read, "We are the world working together."


The sign made total sense. That's how our economy works. If the director and the producer of a film, what would happen?

The same idea applies to our economy and everything besides movies.

We need to work together. It is a part of human life, working together.

Working together is also part of nature itself. Gigantic whales need the puny krill for support. Small fungi needs that tree in your backyard for support (no offense!)

Yes that sign is totally correct.

But the funny thing is that if the word "Working" was removed and we were left with the sentence, "We are the world together." The sign is still true.

Aren't we the world together?

Don't we make up as the lines and colors of a painting make the painting itself?

Like the muscles and bones that make up you and me.

Like your brothers and sisters that make up the brethren you belong to?

Doesn't it.

This statement totally reflects the popular and widely preached philosophy of that we all belong to the world and we need to do something to maintain. Maybe you can do that.

Now, lets remove the word "working" and when we are left with the sentence "We are working together." I know what you must be thinking, "Funny. That makes sense."

'Course it does!

It's not an awfully catchy phrase or something but in the end it still makes sense.

We are all working together, aren't we. and me.

You and your mean boss.

You and your credit card company.

The newspaper and that annoying reporter.

The fish and the fisherman (Even though one of them ends up in the other's tummy)


Enough examples!!!!!

It's true, now lets move on.

So, that is all that I have to say about the sign. I did misread it twice but the results were surprisingly...should I say...correct.


Dear Reader,

I have now decided that this particular section has no use at all and should be discontinued, meaning it will never ever appear in this blog.


The only legacy of this particular blog is that I posted it in my blog that isn't being read and the passer-by thought that my IQ and SAT score must be low.

-Charlie Green

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bye Harry!


To all halloween lovers:



(This contains some imagined narrative, so don't think of it as an eye-witness account)

Joanne Rowling was waiting for the train somewhere in a station in Britain. She was bored. So, in such a case of boredom, her mind wandered freely like a stray dog in an empty street. She imagined a boy with shabby clothes, messy but jet-black hair, glasses, and Bright green eyes. She imagined this boy to be a wizard who DIDN'T know he is a wizard. And she imagined the name of the boy to be "Harry Potter"


I had finished reading the final Harry Potter book. I had found out every thing there was to know about Harry Potter in my Grandfather's room. The beauty of the clarity of the plot striked me.Rowling's a genius I thought.

It all began with the movies. I liked the movies. They were OK but before that I knew nothing about the adventures of Harry Potter and his freinds. To be honest, I didn't know about the books. So, I watched the second movie(by then I knew that the filmakers had stolen the ides of a boy wizard from some books), then the third.

Finally, I got to read the books that I gave me to read during the vacation. The vacation turned out to be boring. I had nothing to except to cuddle into the books which I was really
starting to love. So, what I did was simple: I re-read the books five times in that vacation.

Soon enough the sixth book came out. When I had finished reading it I was in deeply in love with his world. I spent a few hours pondering over one of the main questions in the sixth book. Who the heck is RSB. I found the answer while going through the fifth (the answer is Regulus Black) and I had found that out just a few months before some guys had found out the name of the final book.

I was happy about the fact that there was going to be an end. Afterall didn't all stories have an end?

Yes they do.

Then time for the book had finally come. I found myself excited when I found out the news. But I soon forgot about its existence because of the pressures of student life.

Then one day I found a report on Harry Potter on the local paper. I read and re-read the article several times. Then a week later I got myself the book but I let my juvenile brother read it. He, thankfully, did finish it in two day but (unthankfully) he leaked some of the major facts of the story, ruining my read.


Did I say it ruined my read. Yes? Then I take back my word.

I enjoyed every page of the book.

Yes, It was sad. Yes, characters died one-by-one but I still enjoyed it.

After I finished the book, I had difficulty sleeping. I thought about the (unfortunate) fate of some characters.

Why did they have to die.

I thought about Remus Lupin and Tonks. They were (married) characters in the book. The first guy was a werewolf. Second one, her love was true enough to live with his wolfishness. They get married and have a baby (who is Harry's godson). But they both are killed in the final battle.

I thought their baby. How unfair life was for him.

Then there was Fred Weasley who was also killed in the battle, smiling. I wondered how his family felt. It was unfair for them.

Then there was Serverus Snape and Dumbledore. They both did not deserve to die. They were true human beings. Why did they die? WHY?

The thoughts about Dumbledore and Snape haunted me in my sleep.

But most of all, I thought about Harry Potter. How strange was his life. Every thing in it was planned,awaiting him. It mystified me.

He was a boy whose destiny seemed to be perfectly ready. He had no control over his destiny, but his destiny did have the greatest amount of control over him.

I thought about the last chapter where Harry has a family 19 years later. The whole event seemed to reflect his odd life where everything was ready for him, almost ready-made.

But then I remembered the last two sentences.

"His scar had pained him for 19 years. All was well."

This was how his "ready-made" life ended. Where everything had settled and nothing extraordinary.

Nothing extraordinary?

I take back my words. Everything is extraordinary in his life. They were many great people in his childhood. But their greatness was spent on him.


Because Harry Potter is special. His main purpose is save the world. And he did not save the world like superman. Not from a mad scientist and his destructive invention. But from evil.

Evil and death.

That is what life is all about. Life is a fight against evil. Life is a fight against death.

But the problem is, evil and death cannot be defeated. They can only be delayed by greatness.

Yes, greatness and purity.

This is what young Potter possessed. This is what made special, above all.

But he does not realize it.

This makes even more special as a human being.


The origins will NOT be cited.



The legacy of Harry Potter is clearly felt. The seventh book became the fastest selling book in history. The sixth, fifth and fourth follow the seventh in the list of the fastest selling books in history.

Joanne Rowling (now better known as J K Rowling), the genius who created the boy wizard in a busy train station is now history's richest author.

The story of Harry Potter seems to end happily ever after...


Friday, October 26, 2007




My name is Charlie Green.

And I want to share my thoughts.

Thinking is like getting out of a maze for me.Therefore thinking is an adventure for me and I love adventures.


How many times have you heard that word? Many times, huh? It is becoming too common. WAY too common.

Lets do this.

Lets rename the word "adventure" "blogaventure" BECUASE this is a blog.

Get it?



Now lets dig into our newly created word.

First of all blogaventure are adventures of my thought. They are the things that I have been thinking of. For example: cars.

I tell you all the thing I think about cars... BLA-BLAH-BLA.

Get it?



Now I want to tell you that this site is underdeveloped, change can take place.

This is also because it is a law of nature.

AND this is a weekly blog expect my next blog on November 3rd '07.


Sorry 'cause that's a long time.

Now that is all I have to say about the blog.

PLUS, I give you a guarentee that you will enjoy.


Introduction (part 2)



Bit early, huh? But don't worry all other blogs on Sundays.

I want to talk about my blogs today.

WHY? Of all things WHY that?

Well, because MY blogs are unique and! Yeah, that's the word. I am no weirdo blogs are.

I don't want comments like: "I don't get it." and "What the heck are you talking 'bout"

Makes sense?



Very good.

Now, let me tell you more about "blogaventures" (the last time the word is being is surrounded by quotation marks).

This is important.

Very important.

In that way, you shan't be confused with the odd organization method of my complex (I shouldn't have used that word!) blogs.

First of all, I sometimes have a something that I call a "pre-blogaventure message" They are only a small formality of mine and don't have to do anything to do with the main blog.

For example:


Charlie Green wishes every mother and child a happy mother's day. Have a nice with your mother(s)

Get it?


Good, now lets move on. Life moves faster than this!

Then there is an another something that I call a "Related history"

The related history contains parts you'd like to skim over.

It might be boring.

But the fun part's coming!!!!!!!!!!

That part is the "The Blogaventure"

You'll enjoy it.

Then comes the "Origins of blogaventure."

It contains information on how I began the blogaventure. You'll probably skim it.

And then the "legacy"

The legacy part tells you what the heck happened afterwards.

Did you get everything that I said?



Then I'll see you next week.

Charlie Green

PS write to me at

PSS Have a good weekend!